I can’t believe it’s been three months since I last posted. I’ve not done much running in the past three months, what with my holiday and then doing Crisis at Christmas, it’s been a busy time and sadly I’ve done hardly any running. I’ve no excuse for January though, only that it’s that post-xmas blues period and I didn’t feel like it, or was just plain lazy.
Last night however I decided to put a stop to that and go out for a run. My current tactic still holds that I want to get the number of miles that my soles cover per week up, but split that distance between numerous short runs so that I don’t damage my soles as they’re learning to be tougher. So last night I ran around the block 4 times which is just over 2k. I’m happy with this as before Xmas I’d worked up to 3 times. There where no problems with my soles, even the day after. I’m going to see if I can do this every other day for a couple of weeks and then reassess from there.