Recovery is in sight

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I’ve not run for 8 weeks now.  I had my last successful run 9 weeks ago when I managed 6k completely barefoot and suffered no ill effects for my efforts.  Since that time I’ve had a few things to contend with that have stopped me running.  But now finally I feel the tide has turned and my foot is finally getting better.

I think now that I must have damaged a ligament in my right foot.  Apparently a torn ligament is more painful than a bone fracture and takes longer to heal.  So that would explain the pain I had with it to start with making me think that I’d maybe broken something.  I don’t think I’ve had a tear, but something not far off that would seem apt for the pain and discomfort I’ve experienced over the past two months.  The really annoying thing is that it wasn’t even running that caused this injury.  I’m not sure exactly how I managed to strain my foot, but four days at Oktoberfest sure did something to it.  An unexplained drinking injury – I thought I’d left those behind at Uni.

Anyway, I’ve not been able to walk properly for the past 8 weeks.  I even took to wearing cushioned running shoes solidly for two weeks as I figured that as wearing cushioned running shoes are akin to a neck brace for your feet, this would enable my foot to get some rest.  The jury is still out on if that actually helped, but here I am a total of 8 weeks later and finally my walking is showing real signs of improvement and I can see myself running again soon.  However as I’m going travelling with my girlfriend for a month in just under two weeks time, I’ll leave the running until I return as I’d hate to start this too soon and end up limping for my holiday.

So roll on Xmas when I return from my hols.  I’m looking forward to getting back into barefoot running.  I plan on my holidays to do as much barefoot walking around as possible to prepare my soles for real barefoot running when I return.  Although as it will be winter, maybe I’ll need to break out the bareshoes for this, we’ll see.

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