Of course despite the best laid schemes of mice and men, I couldn’t wait until I returned from my holiday before getting back out there running. Whatever was wrong with my foot it could probably do with some physiotherapy I thought, and what better way to do that than to go for a run, albeit a very very short and gentle run. I thought that to help my injury along I had to start using my foot, rather than treating it with kid gloves. A bit of tough love, just to get it moving again.
I went out last night and ran around the block, a 6 minute run. I was conscious of where it hurt slightly in my foot and concentrated especially hard on my gait in order to minimise any strain on my foot or injury. (this was in my bareshoes the actually barefoot I’ll reintroduce again later) Later that night I could definitely feel it in my feet that I’d been for a run and wondered if I’d wake in the morning regretting doing this.
However I’m happy to report that not only didn’t I have to pay for this in the morning, but my feet are in less pain that they’ve been today since this all started. So either it was a coincidence or that run actually did my foot wonders. I’ll choose to believe it was the later. I’ll give it a few days and then do the same again. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen…